It’s a universal truth that the food niche is one of the top and evergreen industries. There are various ways to make money in the food niche. In this article, you’ll learn how to make money with a food blog and Creating a food blog in 2023.
How to Become a Food Blogger? Like Creating food blog! But I have no idea! Here is the complete guide. It’s a dream for all beginners to start a blog and make money. All beginners want to start a blog but they have no clue where to start.
Here in this article, we’ll help you learn how to start a food blog easily. You’ll surely learn from the bottom to top to start a food related website. Starting a food blog is very simple and fun. It is one of the popular way to make money with little experience.
Make sure that you’ve passionate about food and recipes and ready to put effort into seriously learning to start a food blog. Have a mind-set that you’re a master in food and cooking prior to starting a food blogging. Make sure that you are an expert in your food blog niche.
If you’re just a hobby food blogger, you’ll still have good opportunities to make money from food blogs.
Creating A Food Blog
People are starting food blogging for many reasons.
- Most of the food blogger are making food blog just for hobby as they are passionate about food and cooking.
- Those hobby food bloggers don’t care about money to make from their cooking videos or blog.
- If you’re really too serious to make food blogging as your career then you’ll surely achieve your goal here.
- Creating a food blog is completely free and do not need to have any technical skills or coding knowledge.
- Also, you do not need to have much financial strength to start a food blog.
- There are many free tools available to start your blog in food niche to make good profit.
How Creating A Food Blog in 2023
After reading this article, you’ll have your own food blog live in just a few minutes.
What are you waiting for….? You have a free food blogging guide here to start making money from food blogs.
We’ve listed the simple ways to start a cooking blog to make profit.
1. Choose your favorite food blog niche.
All we know is that a food blog is a huge and dramatic topic area where you can make more blog about food and cooking.
You’re here as you want creating a food blog; still you might have some strong knowledge about your particular topic in food and cooking. If you’re very particular about your food topic that would be great to focus more on your specific food topic blog easily
First, you need to analyze who your visitors or fans are.
Ensure to brand your food blog which helps to stand out from other competitors.
Grow with more visitors and monetize for money from your food blog. You can easily grow your visitors by connecting food-lovers communities, chefs’ communities and groups and more food industries.
Improve your cooking skills by listening to your readers and other influencers. Going through with the readers’ feedback will help you to grow as a successful food blogger quickly.
You can categorize or specialize your food blog like, Indian dishes, Chinese dishes, African food and other cultural foods.
Make sure that your food blogs should focus more on baking, grilling and more.
Picking a food niche is based on your interest, experience, expertise and passion while you creating a food blog.
2. Select a Catchy Domain name – Creating a food blog
The key to be a successful blogger is, selecting the right name for your blog. Picking an appropriate name for your food blog will surely stand out from all others. Good and attractive and relative domain names will catch your target readers attention easily and quickly.
The domain name of your food blog should communicate to your readers towards your niches. For an example, the best domain for Saro’s food blog would be – Saro’s Kitchen or what’s Saro Cooking or Saro Food Blog.
Your blog name or domain name or blog URL can be the same like By typing, the readers can directly navigate to your food blog.
Also they can easily search your food blog on the top organic search engines like Yahoo, Google, Bing and more. We would always suggest all beginners to go with the .com domain which has more accessible in the search engines.
There are many free platforms like, Tumblr, Medium, Blogger and much more available to start your free food blog. But if you would like to make your career seriously as a money blogger then go for paid platforms like, BlueHost and more.
If your food blog has a paid platform built then you will have more tools and accessories to promote your food blog. There are many more chances to make money from your food blog if you have a paid platform.
You’ll get continuous support from the Platform networks to keep your food blog live and profitable. Free blogging platforms always restrict your skills and capabilities in terms of design, layouts and functions. There are very few chances to make money from free blogging platforms.
How to Choose Domain Name for your Food Blog? – Creating a food blog
The tips and tricks to pick the best food blog domain name are:
Just read many times your niche name and look closely it and you will surely get some funny and memorable domain name.
Stand on your target readers place and think about your niche.
You may verify the successful food bloggers domain name to get an idea for your domain name.
Choose your food blog name through best keywords.
Make sure that your food blog is very easy to read, remember and pronounce.
You can pick your food blog name along with your name.
3. How to Get my Blog Online (Host).
You’ve decided your favorite food blog name and now think about how to host your food blog online.
You need to contact the best web hosting company to make your food blog visible on internet.
95% of the food bloggers are using WordPress platform for their food website. Most of the bloggers in the world are using WordPress platform for the blog, including me.
WordPress supports its members for more than two decades now.
More than 60% bloggers and 90% food bloggers are using the web hosting company Bluehost.
The best web hosting company BlueHost is one of the top reputable and long standing hosting companies for a long time.
If you use the combination of WordPress and BlueHost for your food blog, you’ll surely get more readers and start making money quickly.
4. Food Blog Design – Creating a food blog
So far, your blog has got WordPress installed and hosted in Bluehost. What is next?
Now you need to design your food blog. WordPress has offers many free tools and templates to design your food blog. Make sure that your blog is attractive. Blog Themes, Layout and design are primary keys to attract more readers to your food website.
WordPress helps the newbies to design their first food blog through simple instructions and support. WordPress themes are awesome to bring more visitors to your fooddy blog.
Below are the free tools and resources to design your food blog.
CMS (Content Management System)
WordPress Plugins
WordPress Themes
Content Management System – CMS
- CMS or Content Management Systems are nothing but it’s also known as Blogging Platform. Blogging Platform is the place where you write blog posts, uploading photos and publish recipes on your food blog.
- WordPress is the most reputable and popular company.
- 500+ new blog platforms are being hosted every day and WordPress is the fastest growing CMS.
- WordPress CMS is user friendly and it allows you to write blog posts and upload videos and images easily with high resolution.
- You will have complete control on your WordPress blogging platform. You’ll have unlimited free themes and design to use for food blog.
- WordPress CMS offers many features to add in your blog like, forums, discussion, chat, online store, paid membership for your readers and much more.
- WordPress is search engine friendly, very easy to use. It allows you to take full control of contents, video and images loading.
Best WordPress Themes for Food Bloggers
- Templates will control your blog layout, look and all required things of your food blog. WordPress has many successful themes for your food blog.
- Select the suitable theme for your food blog is the important factors to make money food blog more profitable.
- You can choose the best theme for your food blog from WordPress Themes.
Best Plugins for Food Bloggers
- WordPress offers many free and paid plugins for food bloggers.
- Plugin is tiny piece of app or software. You can install plugin on your blog to improve its performance. WordPress plugin helps to add new features and improve your blog performance without writing any code.
The best free plugins for your food blog are,
- Yoast SEO – This helps to get good ranking for your food blog in the search engine results.
- WPForms – Help to create forms like, email signup, contact forms
- MonsterInsights for GA (Google Analytics) – It helps to collect the readers’ info coming in
- Jetpack – Best free tool for backing up your data.
- Perfmatters – Speed up your food blog.
5. Why & How to Create the Main Pages of your Food Blog Easily
It’s very common that readers always will look for the appearance of any blog’s main page. If your main page is awesome then they will wonder how your food blog is different from other food blogs.
Hence, your theme and layout are the keys to have a wonderful food related main pages. Your readers will have the positive or negative impact based on your food blog appearance where this blog content is good or not.
Readers are so smart and they always come up with many questions when they open any blog or website. You need to provide the valuable answers to the visitors through the blog main pages.
Make sure that your food blog has these 3 important main pages in it.
- Home Page
- About Page
- Contact Page
Food Blog Home Page – Creating a food blog
When the visitors get your food blog through search engines they will get your blog home page by default in many cases.
Also, if they find your cooking or food blog through social media or any other sources, they will open your main pages of the food blog.
Ensure that your main pages should provide all required details for the bloggers which they are searching for.
Your home page of the food blog should explain the overview of your food blog along with all other required sections.
Food blog home page should include,
- Headline about your Food Blog
- Sub-Headline and short description about your food blog
- Call to Action option – where the visitors want to go exactly
- Amazing photos of food
- Provide more internet link to keep your visitors in your food blog itself.
About Page – Creating a food blog
- Along with your details and your blog details, you need to provide all below info to the visitors.
- What is the reason the visitors are here?
- How you’re helping your visitors from your blog?
- What are the problems can be solved through your food blog?
- What are the advantages of your food blog?
- Include your profile picture along with your name clearly to build stronger communication with your readers.
- Add your food related certification if any, to build more trust
- List out your story simply
- Write the matters in normal conversational voice, it helps to build more trust on you and your blog.
Food Blog Contact Page
Keep in your mind that food blog’s contact page must have your contact details clearly. Also mention the best time to reach you, if they want to talk to you over phone.
- You can mention more info that if anyone wants for sponsorship on your blog.
- You may add FAQ page on your contact page in your food blog.
- Short contact form to know their need
- Email address to contact you
- Social media contact links for your food blog.
6. Food Plan Content Strategy for your new Food Blog
The best way to be a successful food blogger is, you need to identify your target readers.
Find out why they are coming to your blog? Are they looking for any special recipe from you?
- Focus more on your topic or niche which give positive impact to your food blog visitors.
- You need to be very clear that what your goal is.
- Spend more time that where your visitors are coming from.
- Try to full-fill your readers need
- You may use keyword research tool to find out how your readers are coming to your site.
- Make sure that your blog or contents have appropriate videos, images, interviews and podcasts to satisfy your readers.
- Ensure that you’re updating your content on regular-basis.
7. Awesome Images Creating a food blog
You might have heard that an image is worth a thousand words. Yes, your food blog images should speak about your quality of the post and cooking articles.
Food blogs must have great and eye-catching images. All successful images have high quality and resolution pictures.
You should use high quality smartphones or cameras to take stunning food images and cooking images to attract your visitors. This may make them want to visit your blog again. You may use free photos from Google Search. Make sure that the photos can be used without any restrictions.
If you download any food images from Google, then it should not have any Copyright. You can download many royalty free food images from Google or any other search engines.
There are many free photo editing apps and software available to edit the photos based on your needs. You may check the free photo editing tools like, Snappa, PicMonkey, Visme, PiktoChart and more.
8. How to Promote Food Blog to get more Visitors
Patience and dedication are the primary factors in blogging.
Please do not expect a million visitors the moment you publish your food contents or blog. It takes time to get more readers to your food blog.
The best way to get more visitors to your food blog is, you need to promote your food blog through several ways.
Apart from publishing regular posts and updates, you need to share your food blog to social networks to drive traffic to your blog.
Promoting your food blog through many ways will slowly bring visitors to your blog.
We knew that we needed to have contact information in our mail signature. As we have seen above, your email signature must have a website URL, social media links for your blog.
Also, make sure that you’ve added your latest post link in your mail signature.
On-Page SEO – Creating a food blog
In order to get more traffic to your food blog, you need to do on-page SEO.
- Create SEO Friendly blog permalinks.
- Make sure that your food blog post title has your keyword phrase which you want to rank for.
- Ensure that your targeting keyword should mention in the first 100 to 200 words of your blog content.
- Your food blog page or post should load within 3 seconds.
- Use responsive themes from WordPress to load your food blog pages quickly on all devices like, phone, desktop, tab and more.
- If you’re very serious that your food blog post should get search engine ranking, then you need to write long-form content.
Build an Email List
Email marketing is the popular and best way to promote your food blog easily. Through email marketing, you can reach your subscribers quickly when you write a new food blog post.
- Offer a free food recipe book to get your website visitor as your reader or subscriber.
- Ensure that all your food blog posts or pages have subscriber form on it.
- You can make use of the leading email service provider like GetResponse and Aweber to reach more readers daily.
- Send regular emails to your subscriber to build good relationship with your readers.
- Share your all latest food blog post on Social Media
- Social media is the strongest tool to promote your food blog easily. There are many popular social media networks like, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and more to help you to reach your food blog post to many people.
- Decide with social networks are responding your post and focus more on that.
- You may use the top social media tools like, Buffer, Quuu, and Hootsuite to promote your food blog.
- Ensure that you’ve included social media sharing buttons on your food blog which is the best way to make your readers to share your content or blog posts.
Guest Posts for SEO and Traffic – Creating a food blog
- The popular and proven way to promote your food blog is, writing guest blog posts. Guest blog posts help you to spread your food blog post through author bio. The Guest posts are the key to get link back to your food blog and social network as well.
- Guest posts help you to get more visitors to follow your food blog through other websites. This way your food blog gets popular and get more readers and email subscribers.
- Study more about the popular food blogs before get into writing guest posts. Make sure that they accept guest posts.
- Have a discussion with the food blog owner and get more details about the guest posting.
- Read thoroughly about the guidelines of the guest posts. Once your guest post is published in another food blogger’s website then share it to many people and send emails to your subscribers.
- You may comment on other food blogs and share their posts on your social media accounts. Let them know that you’re sharing their blog so that they will do the same for you.
- Join in many food blog communities and discussion forums, Facebook groups and Pinterest groups to get more reach of your food blog.
I hope you might have enjoyed reading my article on Creating a food blog. You can easily start your first food blog through these tips.
This easy guide “Creating a food blog” will help you to start your own food blog today.
All the best!
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