Blogging Topics in India – Why is blogging trending in India? Blogging Trends in India as people are using digital technologies to transform into money. In this article, we will study and learn how and why blogging trends in India?
Why are Blogging Trends in India?
Big country like India, people are always looking for several ways to earn money to survive. The latest and longtime trend in India is, make money from Blogging.
Recently, I attended the bloggers meet in Chennai. I was surprised after seeing many youngsters at the Blogging meet. There were many young people who already earn money from blogging and I could see many newbies who like to start their blogging career to make money.
It is clearly stated that Blogging Trend in India as people how to earn money from the successful ways. It’s an open secret that Blogging is trending in India and many people do blogging for several reasons.
How & Why Blogging Trends in India?
How Blogging is trending in India that a “Blog” is a best place to share your knowledge, experience, skills, images and so on. Blog can be called a platform or a diary for the common people.
Social media and news channels are focusing on the fact that the blogging business is trending in India. Many articles have proven how blogging has grown in India.
In India, many young people or newbies have decided that blogging is their primary career. I saw many bloggers in the blogging meet were in the age group i.e. age 18 – 25. It says that young people like to be successful bloggers. Although, we cannot say that Blogging has reached all people or all young people in India.
Researchers say that people from the Indian cities are familiar with Blogging. But the rural people are not much familiar with the blogging business. Blogging can be done in any language in India.
We have seen that Indians are very much active on their blogs in English, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and other regional languages. We have seen most of the people like online businessmen, VIPs, actors, actress, celebrities, technologists, sportsmen and many others are having their own blog.
Many Indians own blogs to earn money in several ways easily.
In India, big businesses, production companies, government sectors and individuals are blogging to extend their businesses to the next level. The question is why and how blogging is trending in India? If you want to get an answer for this, you need to know who bloggers are and what they are writing for.
Blogging is a Mini Industry India
Mid of 90’s, Blogging platform was not familiar, but now blogging has transformed as a mini industry in India. Nowadays, Blogging helps many people in India to generate money from the visitors. If the bloggers know how to keep their followers engaged then their money flows like water in the tap. In earlier days, the blog posts were just about daily activities, life events and experiences and were poetic only.
Indian Bloggers Age Group
Studies and researches say that the Indian bloggers are active in blogging in the age group 18 to 45. Surprisingly, 60% of the Indian bloggers are in the age of 18-25. Above statistics clearly show us that Blogging is trending in India because of the young people.
Women Bloggers in India
It’s good to hear that there are many Indian women who are successful bloggers in India. Most of the Indian women bloggers are married or housewives. Though the number of female bloggers is less than the men bloggers in India, the women bloggers are always active and updated.
Most of the Indian women writers or bloggers are focusing on beauty, cooking, recipes and parenting tips. There are very few girl bloggers in India to write technology related niches.
Trending Blogging Topics in India
As a future blogger, you will surely want to know the best blogging topics in India to get more visitors. If you want to become a successful blogger in India then you need to write your new blog with the most wanted topics. Choosing the domain name and hosting partner is the important factor to get more success in the blogging domain. When you start a blog, you will start more.
Best and Popular Blogging Topics in India
- How To
- Technology
- Blogging tips
- Health
- Food & Recipes
- Health & Beauty
- News & Politics
- Finance and more
Blogging Income in India
Everyone has a question in their mind about how much a blogger can earn in India. Blogging income is based on the effort you apply on blogging. If you are a part time blogger then you can earn at least $100 – $150 in India. Many full-time bloggers are making at least #800 – $1000 per month.
If you’re a professional blogger in India then you have a chance to earn at least $1800 – $2000 per month. Please keep in mind that blogging is not a very simple way to earn money online. You have to work hard with patience to generate revenue from blogging.
Brands love Blogs
It is true that blog is the best mediator to take your business to your end user. Blog is the strongest contender for each and every business to reach their consumers. According to the industry experts, brands cannot be succeeded without internet. The term internet refers here as Blog.
What are the best blogging trends?
- Make sure that you have a quality hosting
- Create great content
- Write long and quality content
- Get more readers
- Create good and quality backlinks
- Choose a long tail keyword with low competition in the market
- Start your video channel
- Make sure that your blog is fast
- Get more visitors through Email marketing
- Promote your content through advertisements
- Responsive themes
- Call To Action is must
- Write and engage with other leading websites.
Related: Top Bloggers in India
I reveal a secret to success in the blogging business that if you want to make money from blogging then you must have more visitors. I would strongly recommend you to start a blog today and start writing. The number of visitors is based on the age of your blog or domain. Hence, create your first blog today.
Keep in mind that blogging is changing rapidly and is more competitive. Your blogging should be focused on current trends with high quality contents. Your blogging topics should be what the readers are actually looking for.
Many companies have changed their businesses on blogs or websites. Most of the Indians have chosen blogging as their career.
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I have read through your article and i was satisfied of the good information that you have contributed in your article! Great Article. Thanks for posting such an informational article. Thanks a lot for that beneficial article!
Greate Information. Personally, I love blogging. Blogging is popular because anyone can do it and many bloggers are making serious money at it.